List Vaults

The List Vaults (GET /v1/vaults) endpoint provides a versatile tool for fetching a curated list of DeFi vaults based on specific criteria set by the user. By leveraging a series of query parameters, users can fine-tune their search to pinpoint vaults that match their exact needs. Below is a breakdown of the available parameters and the expected response:


  • tags: An array of strings allowing users to filter vaults that are tagged with specified attributes. To return results, all listed tags must be associated with the vault.

  • token: A string representing the token name or symbol. This parameter filters the vaults by the specific token they use.

  • network: A string value denoting the blockchain network. You can filter vaults that are active on networks such as mainnet, arbitrum, optimism, polygon, base, gnosis, and others as listed in the Available values.

  • tvl_min: A numeric field specifying the minimum Total Value Locked (TVL) in USD that a vault must have to be included in the results.

  • tvl_max: A numeric field indicating the maximum TVL in USD to filter the vaults, providing an upper boundary for the search.

All parameters are optional.


  • 200 OK: Success response returns an array of objects, each containing the vault's address and the network it belongs to. The response is in JSON format, which is specified by the Accept header in the request.

The response data structure consists of:

    "address": "string",
    "network": "string"

Each object in the array represents a vault, where address is the unique identifier for the vault on the blockchain, and network is the name of the blockchain network the vault is part of.

Utilizing this endpoint, users can effectively sort and access a wide array of vault information, allowing for a high degree of customization for those building financial tools, applications, or conducting market research in the DeFi space.

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