Vault requirements for inclusion on

For vaults to be included on, all key data must be available onchain.

What we look for

From an input contract address(es), we need to extract the following data:

  • tvl - total value locket in the vault, denominated in underlying token

  • totalSupply - total supply of the lp token issued by vault (if it exists)

  • pricePerShare - normally if we have both, it is tvl/totalSupply (if not there needs to be another way to get the indicator of growth in time)

  • maxDeposit - the maximum amount of the tokens any user can deposit into the vault

  • liquidity - the amount of tokens directly available for withdrawal

  • asset - the address of underlying erc20 token of the vault

  • name - the name of the vault

  • lpTokenAddress - the address of lp token issued by the vault

  • rewardTokens - addresses of reward tokens distributed for the vault

  • rewardTokenEmissionsPerSecond - emissions per second of the reward distributed for the vault

Vaults conforming to ERC-4626 standards make finding this data straightforward.

For vaults where we need to extract this data from multiple contracts through some chain of commands, we appreciate teams reaching out to us with instructions on how to find the data listed above.

Last updated